Thursday, June 25, 2009

Conduction videos
Video 1: Test on rate of conductions of different metals

This video proves that different materials have different rate of conduction. In the video, the different metals conduct heat from flame to the end of the rod, the wax placed at end of each rod gains heat from the metals and melts. The wax attaching the thumbnail to the copper rod melts the fastest, which proves that copper is better conductor when compared to the other metals. Wax on the steel rod took the longest time to melt, which shows that steel is not a better conductor when compared to other mteals.

This is the conductivity of metals in descending order [better--->good].
Copper, aluminium, bronze, nickel, steel.

Video 2: Test on conduction of wire gauze

This video shows that flame is not able to burn through a wire gauze. As seen, the wire gauze is made of metal, which conducts heat [by molecular vibration & electron diffusion] away from the flame, that is why the flame is not seen burning through the gauze. If gauze is pressed fully down onto the flame, it will extinguish as the wire gauze conducts all the heat away from the flame.

Video 3: Test on conduction of fork [similar to my self made video]

As seen from video, the flame goes off as soon as it comes into contact with the fork. The metal fork is a good conductor of heat. All the heat from the flame is conducted away by the metal fork, which causes the flame to go off.

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