Exp 1:
- Light up a match
- Place flame onto wooden block
- Place flame onto ashtray
Flame went off, wooden block got scorched
Flame immediately went off, ashtray was not scorched
This proves that ashtray (stainless steel) is a good conductor of heat and it conducts the heat away quickly from the lighted matchstick. The wooden block, being a poor conductor of heat, conducts the heat away slowly, hence got scorched by the flame.
Exp 2:
[self made video]
As seen from the video, the flame of match connected to the glass goes off when comes into contact with the glass, even though glass is a poor conductor of heat. Glass still conducts heat, but at a slower rate compared to the steel (spoon), hence flame goes off as heat is conducted away by the glass. Also seen from video, flame goes off when comes into contact with steel as heat is conducted away quickly, this proves that steel is a good conductor of heat. The spoon also feels hot after the flame goes off, this shows that heat was transferred to the steel.
Conclusion: Poor conductors still conduct heat, just at a slower rate. Both glass and steel conducts heat. Steel is a better conductor than glass.
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